Here are some quality Cobol Tools and Converters built with CobolTransformer.
These tools and converters can be licensed directly from us or from our partners.
You also can download free evaluation copy of these tools.
- CobolBeautifier
- beautifies (pretty-prints) Cobol program.
In addition to that, it can perform many important
Cobol program maintenance and systematic modification tasks.
- CobolReporter
- reports lengths and offsets of every data item.
It also generates a wealth of other useful data
about your Cobol program.
- CobolGrep
- is smart Cobol source search program that
accepts queries formulated in terms of Cobol language.
Query Language (QL) used to write these queries
is to Cobol program what SQL is to a relational data base.
- MF, IBM, ICobol to Fujitsu Cobol Converters
- convert various Cobol dialects to Fujitsu Cobol85.
It can fully beautify the converted program or
perform conversion in SourcePrint mode so that
converted source may be compared to the original using line diff tool.
To try these tools, go to
Tools and Converters Download Page.
To buy them, please proceed to
Tools and Converters Pricing Page.