Mr. Goldman, Vice-President of Development of
Software Conversion House,
has kindly agreed to answer our questions about
his company experiences with CobolTransformer.
Q: How many employees does your company have?
A: 60
Q: How many lines of Cobol code does your company maintain?
A: Millions when taking into account the fact that we do both customer projects
and market conversion tools to be used used by others.
Q: What are Operating Systems that you use for developing
and running Cobol conversions?
Q: Please describe your projects or products that use CobolTransformer.
A: Two projects that may turn into products:
Conversion of a large, distributed COBOL logistics
application and data on a Tandem platform:
Conversion from Enscribe (Tandem flat files) to
Non-Stop SQL including data structures which are
"learned" automatically by scanning COBOL record
descriptions translated to Non-Stop SQL and written
out as SQL scripts.
Data conversion.
Automatic search, translate and replace of Cobol
I/O statements to SQL statements embedded within
the new programs.
Automatic conversion from Enform to SQL
ReportWriter and Cobol with embedded SQL.
Automatic conversion of Wang Cobol to
MicroFocus Cobol.
Q: Describe your experiences with CobolTransformer in your projects.
How well did it work for your projects?
A: It allowed us to eliminate any work required for parsing and allowed
us to focus our resources on the actual conversion application.
There is very good flexibility, robustness and reliability.
Time to setup & start being productive was pleasantly minimal!
It has lived up to the documented functionality and behavior.
Q: What other similar or competing products have you considered?
A: Ready made specific packages.
Q: Why have you selected CobolTransformer over competition, if any?
Was it price, service, quality, or something else?
A: There are several reasons:
The response to questions was timely and professional,
The references were all solid,
We also reviewed the documentation,
Availability of sources,
Built to be extensible.
Q: How much time and/or money your company has
saved by using CobolTransformer?
A: About 6 man months for a functional (but narrow scope)
kernel with an additional 1-2mm per product.
These 6 man-months would satisfy our immediate development needs but
would not provide the same depth and coverage as CobolTransformer.
Q: What you did not like about CobolTransformer?
Any suggestions for improvement?
A: Would like to have the ability to have more
than one parser active a time.
Siber Systems Note: This feature will be implemented in the next version.
Q: Are you satisfied with timeliness and quality of Customer Support?
A: Yes.
Q: Do you have anything to say in conclusion?
A: We recommend use of CobolTransformer.
Our experience to date has been positive and satisfactory in all aspects.
Aharon Goldman